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Regular price $528.00 USD
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This kit is curated to provide you the scent profiles of different colours of Vietnamese Hon-kyara and also the knowledge, science and logic behind these colour coding.

White Kyara is a raw formation, with highly resinated parts found in the solid core of a fragrant wood tree with wood fibres intact and not exposed to the external environment. As such, when sawing through White kyara, you can often see fibrous white wood patches interspearsed within the black dark resinated parts. Being well protected, the minty cooling notes and the licorice sweetness is well preserved, the better the white kyara quality, the stronger the cool notes. Upon heating, these notes come to life with unparalleled intensity, penetrating one's sensory consciousness, interweaving and transforming between cool, honeyed, vanillic, florals and fruity notes. This material, although tacky to touch, is generally of a hard texture, making it an excellent choice to be made into wearables and beads.

Yellow-Kyara is a raw formation, with more of its oleoresin in the oil phase than in the dense resin phase. As such, when cutting into yellow kyara, the cross section does not appear to be dark nor heavily resinated, but instead appear a shimmery light yellow to golden yellow colour due to the high oil content. When heated, the profile leans forward giving stronger top and midtones. The material is also harder and more fibrous, in texture, making it ideal to be made into wearables or beads. This is otherwise known as Golden Silk kynam, or Yellow Wax fragrance.

Green-Kyara differs from White Kyara, as it is considered to be of Ripe Formation.
This is also found within the core of a fragrant wood tree, but the wooden fibres within the tree have broken down, turning orange, and releasing sour acidic notes.
When cut, the material is softer, gummy and stickier. Upon heating, the sour notes are apparent, which is not found in White Kyara, and the overall scent profile is rounded, full bodied and smooth, and very comfortably mellow.

Black Kyara is a very mature form of the Ripe formation, but differs from Green because it doesn't have the sour notes, the best grades would generally appear very soft and gummy, with little signs of fibres present. Due to the lack of sour acidic notes, Black Kyara comes across as extremely sweet, and has been sometimes described as
"sugar formation", and without the interference of acidity, one can sometimes
perceive salty notes in the best grades.

Purple Kyara is also a form of ripe formation, with the best grades appearing to have a purple hue. Unlike black kyara which is incredibly soft and sticky, purple kyara has a hrmer texture, and more importantly have a heated scent profile that is more floral, as such historically, purple kyara is also called "orchid ripe formation" or honey-kynam.

Red Kyara is a transitional material that hovers between raw and ripe formations.
Being caught in berween in transition, it has unique traits of the raw formations, from the spicy to the cool volatiles, and also some characteristics of the ripe formations, such as the deep cloying sweetness and fruity notes.

Each Kyara is 0.1 grams in weight.

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